CASE STUDY: Private Debt Asset Manager Scales Operations and Strengthens Processes with DiligenceVault


CASE STUDY: Private Debt Asset Manager Scales Operations and Strengthens Processes with DiligenceVault

Before adopting DiligenceVault, one of our private debt asset manager clients specializing in customized financing for agricultural companies faced challenges with scalability and operational inefficiencies. The firm’s reliance on emails and spreadsheets for credit underwriting, KPI monitoring, and portfolio management led to fragmented practices across teams. As the firm expanded, increased LP reporting requirements and ad hoc data requests from legal and sustainability teams further strained operations. To address these challenges, the firm turned to DiligenceVault (DV) to centralize underwriting data collection, streamline processes, and reduce key person risk

By adopting DV, the firm significantly improved efficiency by automating sourcing, underwriting, and monitoring processes. An API connection with internal platforms facilitated seamless data integration, while centralized deal data created a single source of truth for all teams. This shift freed up valuable resources, enabling analysts to focus on core credit analysis. Additionally, the firm enhanced its ability to comply with growing documentation requirements, ensuring scalability and long-term operational success.

Download the case study below to learn how the firm scaled operations and streamlined monitoring with DiligenceVault.

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